
Lumir and Alvar Aalto premises

Alvar Aalto was characterised by the use of natural materials and organic forms, which aimed to create a balancing and inspiring atmosphere. As a truly natural and domestic carbon-negative material, Lumir supports these goals very well.

Reference 1. Alvar Aalto – Kanavaranta 1, Helsinki.

Stora Enso’s former head office is an office building designed by Alvar Aalto in Katajanokka in 1962. From 2023, the property can be rented for use by other companies.

Lumir has acoustic treated the premises of the property at different stages. The acoustic coating of the staff restaurant was carried out already in 2020, and the office premises on the second and third floors were completed at the end of 2022. The acoustic solutions are based on the Lumir Comfort carbon-negative acoustic coating and LB (Lumir Board) perforated drywall, which was installed in suspended ceilings as an acoustic base material. The acoustics of workstations were enhanced by installing LW (Lumir Wool) glass wool panels under the Lumir Comfort acoustic coating.

The partly curved end walls of the restaurant were sprayed directly onto the hard surface with Lumir’s carbon-negative Lumir Comfort acoustic coating, preserving the stunning details of the original brass moldings. Other walls under the coating also have Lumir Board (LB) as acoustic baseboard. The forehead surfaces of the roof were also coated and the flat roof next to the window has been replaced with an LB structure.

Photo: Lumir. Stora Enso’s former staff restaurant, Kanavaranta 1, Helsinki. Lumir’s acoustic solution is described above.
Photo: Ark-byroo. Lumir’s battery-powered office spaces. The acoustic solution is described above.
Photo: Ark-byroo. LW20 (Lumir Wool glass wool) and Lumir Comfort acoustic coating were chosen as the acoustic solutions for the workstations.

Reference 2. Harald Herlin-learning center, Espoo.

At the beginning of 2023, Lumir will acoustic treat the lobby of Aalto University’s Harald Herlin Learning Centre in Otaniemi. The Lumir Comfort carbon negative acoustic coating was sprayed onto Lumir Wool (LW20mm) glass wool panels glued to an existing cast, plastered and painted ceiling surface. In this way, class A acoustics were added to the premises.

Photo: Lumir’s acoustic solution in the lobby of the Harald Herlin Learning Centre.

Reference 3. Alvar Aalto – Museum, Jyväskylä.

The museum building, designed by Alvar Aalto, was completed in 1960.

The museum building, designed by Alvar Aalto, was completed in 1960.

The museum’s work and conference rooms wanted to retain the original ceilings while improving the acoustics of the spaces. The shade of the technical wall of the exhibition space was chosen as a through-coloured grey in accordance with the architect’s plan. The acoustic solution for suspended ceilings and walls consisted of Lumir Board panels and a Lumir Comfort carbon-negative acoustic coating. The coating was finished to smooth.

The museum’s exhibition space with a Lumir Board and Lumir Comfort in a through-coloured acoustic coating on the technology wall.
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