Lumir Comfort – our carbon negative acoustic coating

At Lumir, we are constantly developing new carbon-negative acoustic solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of construction. Lumir Comfort is officially a carbon-negative acoustic coating thanks to a recent certification.

The lifecycle analysis of our Lumir Comfort is complete and our production is now officially carbon negative. In practice, more carbon is then bound than it is released into the atmosphere, i.e. the emissions are negative.

Thanks for Lumir’s positive environmental impacts belong to our main raw material, i.e. finnish wood-based biofiber. The composition of our coating has remained almost unchanged since 2017, when we switched to using Finnish biofibers as raw materials for our coatings. In other words, Finland already has more than 450.000 m2 of carbon-negative Lumir acoustic surfaces.

As a bioeconomy and circular economy company, we invest heavily in sustainable development and that is at the core of our entire operations.

Click the image above to read the EPD report.

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