
The House of Science and Letters, Helsinki

Lumir had the great honour of being involved in the renovation and transformation project of the culturally and historically significant House of Science and Letters. Senate Properties approved Lumir as the provider of acoustic solutions in December 2021. Lumir is already very familiar with the valuable block of Kruununhaka from previous renovation projects at Mariankatu 3 (Tulli- ja pakkahuone from 1765) and Mariankatu 11.

Pääurakoitsijana kohteessa on Rakennus Finrem Oy. Finremin kanssa käytiin kohteen erityispiirteet huolellisesti läpi. Arkkitehtisuunnittelusta vastasivat pääsuunnittelija  Minna Lukander ja Jussi Laine (Talli arkkitehtuuri ja muotoilutoimisto) sekä arkkitehti Jaakko Penttilä Arkkitehdit Helander-Leiviskästä. Tieteiden talon akustiikkasuunnittelusta vastasi Akukonin perustajaosakas ja johtava konsultti Henrik Möller.

Lumir’s acoustic solutions were installed in the premises on an area of approximately 700 m2. The acoustic base boards were carefully selected based on the acoustic goals and the special characteristics of the spaces:

  • Suspended ceilings for offices: Lumir Comfort acoustic coating and Lumir Wool (LW20) solutions
  • Acoustically demanding spaces such as the café and the suspended ceilings of the 5th floor lecture hall: Lumir Comfort acoustic coating and Lumir Wool (LW40) solutions
  • Suspended ceiling of the ballroom: Lumir Comfort acoustic coating with Lumir Wool (LW20) solution and additional 80 mm thick damping insulation above
  • Juhlasalin parven takaseinä: Lumir Comfort™ sävytetty akustiikkapinnoite ja Lumir Wool (LW40) ratkaisu. Seinässä on ilmaväli 40 mm, minne saatiin AV-laitteiden johdot piiloon. Huomaa kuvassa sama sävy akustiikkapinnassa, kuin parven alaosan maalatussa seinässä.

All surfaces were sprayed seamlessly with Lumir’s carbon-negative Lumir Comfort acoustic coating. In order to preserve as much of the existing visual identity as possible, several colour and surface models were made for the customer before the work began. The suspended ceilings were acoustically fitted so that the original ceiling paintings and rosettes could be preserved.

“The colour tones of the acoustic coatings were quite well adapted to the nuanced colours of the House of Science and Letters from the 1920s, which makes the coatings a natural part of the interiors. I would stress that the final result required a series of experiments. A good result would not have been achieved based on colour tone codes alone, but time and effort were needed to work with the colour models – and cooperation with Lumir was very smooth in that” – Jaakko Penttilä/Vilhelm Helander, Juha Leiviskä, architects SAFA.
Selja Flink, Construction Manager at Senate Properties, stated: “An excellent solution for acoustics in high-value buildings, because Lumir is available in different shades and the end result is a seamless, almost smooth and even acoustic surface, if desired. Thanks to its wood-based raw material, Lumir is a very ecological material. Lumir’s team has served us very well in connection with the renovation project of the House of Science and Letters, as we received several different shade models for approval before the final shade choices.”

Read Lumir’s earlier articles about the House of Science project:

Lumir selected to implement acoustic solutions for the House of Science – Lumir

The House of Science retains its classic 1920s style with Lumir’s acoustic coating – Lumir

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